Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Credit Where Credit Is Due.

1. Sam Cole. Sam is a new summer friend of mine. Sam not only has a genius idea in paperwall (which will be a peer-to-peer poetry/fiction sharing community thing), but also requested Handsome Family on my radio show, specifically, the track "Tesla's Hotel Room" (real audio file here) off of their album Last Days of Wonder. I am forever indebted. The song features extremely expressive, smart lyrics that are perfectly reflected through the music. Handsome Family is apparently a lyricist-wife and composer-husband combo, so this could partially explain things. They have that weird America vibe, the kind of vibe that makes you think that living in New York 19-ought-5 would be swell, you'd get a sweet hat and science hadn't figgered everything out and there were things left for you to figger and you were free to figger incorrectly, cause no one really knew better. Tesla himself is a fascinating character, and despite his Serbian heritage, he was a tinkerer and stubborn romantic in a thoroughly American way. Listen to that stuff.

2. Martha Hoffman. Martha is my second summer friend, and thanks to an intensive summer chemistry course, now a near-constant companion. Martha drives me many places and gives me much music to listen to. We like to jam to Mirah Yomtov Zeitlyn and Ju-jajuba a lot. Martha turned me on to Call and Response, a truly terrific little crew from San Francisco. They are POP and apparently they were Kindercore Records' top-selling artist. The combination of them and Handsome Family made me realize that I tend to like either extremely dark (HF) or extremely happy (Call and Response) music. I guess. Here's the aggravating story of Kindercore for you as well.

3. Marc from :nook. Marc moved back to Rochester from New York, and still works for Entertainment Weekly via his laptop while he works at his new, delightful indie/pop culture store in the South Wedge. He was also the former music director of WRUR and wrote COUNTLESS reviews for seminal albums in really unique handwriting, so everytime I pulled the Magnetic Fields, I'd see his handwriting. He is a great guy who wants so badly to bring indie things to ROC with more ethical business practices than Lakeshore Records. He recommends Soapstar (who have disappeared since 1996) and Silversun Pickups. Here is his blog, well sort of, he writes the new music parts so you may have to dig.

4. Justin Peczakezakowski. Justin has bested me in indie-knowledge on two embarassing occasions. First, when I said that the Knife covered Jose Gonzalez, because I thought that "Heartbeats" was the advance single on Silent Shout, their new album, not Deep Cuts. I am an idiot, and was blatantly wrong. The second was last night when I thought Joanna Newsom was in Broken Social Scene. I could have sworn I heard her on World Cafe talking about BSS. I am an idiot and once again, bested! It would make sense if she were in BSS, though. I don't know where I dream these clearly untrue things up. I now listen to the Knife on repeat. You can buy the Knife at :nook. But message to Justin - I am only losing to soften you up.


Blogger justin said...

ohhoo my friend. let us not forget the FIRST initial moment when I bested you - proving that At the Drive-In was never on Drive-Thru Recrods. That's is where it all started.

My anal-retentive attention to detail prevailed not once, not twice, but thrice.

7:10 PM, August 09, 2006  

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